Susan G. Komen's sister, Nancy Brinker, made a promise. As her sister was losing her battle with breast cancer, Nancy promised to do what she could to warn women that breast cancer can strike unexpectedly and that mammograms and breast self-examinations can save lives. Nancy started the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation and has made huge strides in research, education, and assistance.
Where does the money raised go? What does it do? It provides meals to families dealing with breast cancer; it provides breast cancer patients with transportation to and from treatment; it helps underserved patients receive medication and mammograms; and it helps patients get prostheses or wigs. It funds research. It provides for education and awareness. It matters. Every penny matters. Each "just one person" who does something, anything, makes a difference.
Is it all serious? No. There was much laughter and celebration associated with the race weekend. Survivors were cheered, friends reunited, fake boobs dispensed, cookies eaten, money raised. Lots of money. As the matching funds come in over the next few weeks, that dollar amount will rise. A screen shot of the TeamGDT page is below.

I'm so proud to be a part of this cause. I AM THE CURE!
Well said, as usual.
I'm so glad that I found this opportunity to make a difference. Thanks for letting me share it with you.
*Clapping* :) Ya know for calling yourself a bitch you're an awfuly nice gal AND you support worthy causes. I'm not gonna call you too far out on it cuz I'm not sure how much of a hor I really am these days so we'll just never mind. ;)
BTW, I just went over and read all of your answers to my questions about the sex by myself post.
Holy crap I didn't realize I ask so many questions! But even MORE holy crap is how cool you are to take the time to answer them all and offer me some for real advice. Thank you for that and once again I really DO apreciate it.
Sometimes the way you put things in a different perspective for me (his prespective) it really makes things a lot clearer or makes me feel better. Did you ever think you'd be a hor's mentor? :)
Ok I'll wrap it up but I'd just like to say that I truly enjoy your honest, frank and often quite amusing comments on my site.
MB, thank you. It was great seeing you again. It seems there's never enough time to sit and talk with everyone.
Lydia, it's addictive, isn't it? We can and do make a difference. It makes me feel a little better about my somewhat frivolous existence.
Danielle, you did it again. You made me blush. For all that you call yourself a hor, you're really a sweet person and C. is lucky to have you in his life. As far as the advice thing goes... you have to make a bunch of mistakes in your life to have the experience necessary to give good advice. ;-) I love being a hor'mentor. It's perfect. I wonder if I could put that on a resume?
I'm proud to say I did it for the boobies (ok, and the women attached to them).
Its amazing what one person can do if they're organised and passionate.
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