It's time again for 55 Fiction Friday! Details on what it is and how to play at the end of the post. Come on, you can do it!
My 55 for the week
Advice comes from many sources: the wise man on the mountain, the academic advisor, career planners, best friends, parents, psychics, self-help books, and television talk show hosts.
Lately, my schedule lends itself only to my old, reliable standby. I query my trusted advisor and the answer is given, “Cannot predict now.”
Damn you, Magic 8-Ball!
MrWurdi's 55 for the week:
The Bank
The flurry of noise - now unnervingly silent. No papers ruffling, no chatter, no doors swinging. One in each corner, one on the counter, masks, guns, screaming orders break the silence. I’m trying to disappear under this bank slip table… Someone runs… “BAM BAM!”
“Cut! Look scared, people; look serious, robbers… damn… From the top!”
55 fiction is a very, very short story of exactly 55 words. It needs to have a character, conflict and resolution.
The Wikipedia article on 55 Fiction is here and some great examples are here..
Come play! Add your story to the comments or put it on your blog and I'll link to it. It's fun. You'll like it.
The minutes seem like hours until I see you again. Laughing, joking and cutting up are simply ‘just you’. I can’t help but wonder what will be next. Dinner for two? A cocktail party? Snuggling down in front of the TV to watch some football? I’ll consider them all but only with you, Rachel Ray.
I'm rejoining the 55 Fold. Excellent work, this week, all!
Why I need to Workout
Each day that goes by without release fuels the strife inside my head. I have learned to block it. To suppress the primordial rages that build up inside. This however, causes depression.
It is a difficult feeling to explain to others. They never understand completely or assume you are psychotic.
This is my demon within.
Final installment (probably?!) of Jonas and Lily. Check it out in today's post on my blog.
Ms. Wurdi...Magic 8-ball. I loved it.
I know Rachel Ray gets on some people's nerves but I like her ideas. There's always a tip I pick up on in 30 Minute Meals. Great 55, Marcia.
Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, I loved your 55 this week! Very different style but it tells a big, big story. You signed in under your old blogger account, rather than your wordpress one so I'm linking here to your Nothing Rhymes with Lydia... Well, Except That site.
SGT, another great 55 and I completely get what you're saying. I have just this fall started exercising on a regular basis. Not only is it good for me physically but if I don't get a chance to exercise each morning, I'm pissy. I miss it and can feel it both in my body and in my mind.
Guinness, I have really enjoyed the Jonas and Lily story. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Thanks for the kudos on the Magic 8-ball. I actually have one on the bookshelf in the home office/home gym/tv room/game room/former formal dining room. This week was a difficult one for inspiration and when I saw the 8-ball, I had my story.
Sharp blades and fancy footwork working together lead to fencing blows. The Master and the Novice exchanged salutes and took the “en garde” position. There was a clatter of blades and then the sharp tone of a touch. The Master had made the winning score. The Novice smiled and said “A finer blow never struck.”
I love the eight ball. Its always so accurate.
Dag, I shouldn't have to shame you into playing. ;-) You write a fine 55.
Phishez, I agree. I'm tempted to consult the old 8-ball about whether or not to go to work today. I think I'd better not.
Sorry, things have been hectic at best. On vacation and work, I will try better in the future.
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